Rewriting our life story

Do you like stories? I love a good story. I love stories so much that I’ll read anything—seriously, I read cereal boxes, shampoo bottles, dog treat packaging, assembly instructions from IKEA.

But my favorite story is one where there’s a little bit of magic. The magic could be literal like dragons or metaphorical like allowing me to visit India without leaving my couch in Connecticut. Stories deepen my compassion, broaden my perspective, enhance my knowledge.

Stories *transform* me.

Movies are stories. Paintings, sculpture, music, plays, manga. Stories all. These days, even cereal boxes have stories on them.

Humans have been telling stories since we figured out how to paint on a cave wall.

So, what’s the story that you’re living right now? Are there devastating storms, wicked witches, flying monkeys?

What if you could live your way into a story with good luck, helpful allies, benevolent patrons?

Can we story our way to strength and stamina? Perseverance and calm?

What if we could rewrite our own life’s story?

I believe that we can.

But first we have to imagine the new story.

Give yourself 5 minutes to sit back or, better yet, lie down, close your eyes and imagine your ideal day by engaging all 5 senses.

What do you hear?

What do you see?

What do you smell?

What do you taste?

How do you feel?

Is there someone or some animal with you?

Once these sensations are present, and you have basked in them for a few minutes, write them down.

You’ve created a story!

The new moon is a beautiful and supportive time for new beginnings, new intentions, a new story.


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