Āyurveda is


    Āyurveda (pronounced AAH-yur-vay-duh) is a large, complex body of knowledge that gives detailed instructions for personalized holistic, health care. It offers the ambitious goal of living the longest and healthiest life possible. Āyurveda is a science, like biology or physics, which uses systematic methods, experiments, observation, critical analysis, and evidence.


    As the longest, continually practiced healthcare system in the world, Āyurveda’s practitioners encounter new diseases, new ethnic groups, and new environments beyond the Indian continent and the science of Āyurveda continues to evolve. Although originally communicated through an oral tradition, Āyurveda’s foundational texts are hundreds and thousands of years old.


    The word Āyurveda is formed from two Sanskrit words: āyu, meaning life or living beings, and veda, meaning knowledge, to know, to understand, or to perceive.

    Āyurveda encompasses the study and knowledge of life and includes the knowledge of what creates health and what creates disease. It identifies lifestyles that create contentment and those that create dissatisfaction. 

 Living in Harmony comes from the Āyurvedic word for health, svastha (swuh-stha). Formed by the words sva, which means one’s own, and sthāna (shortened to stha), which means standing firmly. 

In Āyurveda, to be healthy is to be firmly situated in one’s self. 

More than just the absence of disease; health combines a happy mind and soul with a body that functions properly on all levels.